Tinea, Athlete’s foot and nail fungus are generally caused by some form of dermatophyte fungi. Sometimes there can also be the presence of yeast or candida.

A fungal infection of the skin can present as dryness which is powdery and white; it can be itchy; sometimes the skin may peel off in a circle pattern; there also may be red fluid-filled itchy small blisters.

A fungal infection in between the toes can present in a similar way, however, it most often accompanies skin splitting or maceration (peeling white/moist skin).

Kingsford Foot Clinic Tinea, Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus

Fungal nails can present in different ways. These include:
⦁ Superficial white onychomycosis – white powdery appearance to the top of the nails
⦁ Subungual onychomycosis – a fungal infection within the nail. Most often yellow, smelly and crumbly.
⦁ Dystrophic onychomycosis – a total fungal infection of the nail and nail bed. Most often dark in appearance (browny-yellow-black), with no healthy nail growth in sight.

Our Podiatrists treat fungal nails regularly with many successful outcomes!
There are many other nail pathologies that are not caused by a fungus, which may look fungal to the untrained eye. It’s important to have a consultation when treating your fungal nails, as it’s important to make sure the nails are actually fungal.