Soreness and tiredness in the legs is a common complaint among patients. The muscles in your legs control the motions of your foot and foot stability. Factors such as an increase in activity or a change in footwear, can put extra pressure on these muscles, causing them to become overused, inflamed and sore. This pain in your legs can be constant, recurrent or intermittent and can present in many ways – including an ache, dull or sharp pain, and tingling – and may be accompanied by swelling. It could affect your entire leg or only be present in a specific area.
Treating lower leg pain starts by understanding exactly what is causing it, and which muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones are being affected. Identifying these factors also ensures that we can make the changes needed to help prevent the problem from recurring in the future. This is done through a comprehensive biomechanical assessment with one of our podiatrists.


A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions the tissue found near tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles that would otherwise rub directly across the surface of a bone. Bursitis develops when bursae become inflamed. It is often noted as causing an achy, stiff sensation, and the area may look red and swollen. This ailment is often accompanied by foot pain or discomfort when an affected area experiences pressure. Treatment involves re-creating the metatarsal arch and therefore reducing pressure in the forefoot by improved footwear, Orthotics and strengthening exercises. However, where pain fails to settle, you may be referred onto one of our Podiatric Surgeons to discuss surgery options.


Shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome is a common injury among athletes and those who spend a good amount of time on their feet. Shin splints are characterized by tenderness and pain within the shinbone. The condition and the pain can become worse with the pounding and vibrations that accompany running and walking, especially on hard surfaces. Left untreated, shin splints can develop into more painful stress fractures. Treatment may include strengthening exercises, Orthotics, weight loss, or anti-inflammatory injections. If the pain is due to arthritis, treatment may include shoe modifications, orthotics and or arch supports, injections, and anti-inflammatory measures. However, where pain fails to settle, you may be referred onto one of our Podiatric Surgeons to discuss surgery options.


Sciatica is a complex problem with a variety of symptoms such as burning, stabbing, with specialised treatments dependant on the cause of your pain. The pain can originate anywhere along the Sciatic nerve, and you may experience symptoms from your lower back all the way down to your feet.
Treatment is focused around relieving pain and reducing the pressure on the nerve. This may include rest, Orthotics, anti-inflammatories, stretching exercises and or surgery.


A stress fracture occurs when a small crack or fracture in the bone or ankle develops, due to repetitive weightbearing. Any activity that places high impact stress on the foot can lead to a foot stress fracture. This is a problem that commonly plagues athletes and runners because stress fractures often arise from overuse or from performing repetitive movements. However, if you suddenly change the intensity or duration of a workout you may also find yourself dealing with this problem. Pain is the number one indicator of a stress fracture and pain may get worse when walking or putting weight on the foot but the pain may subside when resting. The pain may be exacerbated throughout the day depending on your activity level. The area may be tender to the touch, have some minor bruising and have some swelling. If you suspect that you have a stress fracture it’s important that you schedule an appointment with us right away so that we can diagnose and treat your condition as soon as possible to prevent complications.

If you are experiencing any issues with leg pain, it’s time you visited Kingsford Foot Clinic
to keep you pain free and healthy.